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Explained: PR Design


What kinds of characteristics and design components make a difference?

Public relations design is the process of using elements such as font, color, dimension and overall composition of the campaign to convey the message and branding of a comapny or organization. Design tools such as InDesign and Photoshop alleviate the pain and difficulty that is design. Something really helpful we learned this semester was to always make a rough draft. Make a mock up design of what you think you might want your campaign to look like, it is then hundred of times easier to just copy what you have written onto your E-document.

Why is it important?

Besides the overall "professionalism" of the campaign, a public relations practitioner will use consistent fonts, slang terms and photos that will capture the attention and favor of the audience. Its incredible to look back at all the companies and businesses I have ever been familiar with, and to reliaze that they have a whole team of people working to make their brand image perfect and consistent. It shows how important it is to have a trustworthy and genuine relationship with the audience. It also shows that you are willing to put in the work to stasify the needs of both the viewer and the company.


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